At Home Fitness Equipment

These are my favorite pieces of equipment in the order I suggest you acquire them.

You don't need a whole home gym or a ton of expensive equipment to get in the best shape of your life.


1. Get Started

If you're just starting to work out at home all you need is a set of hand weights and a quick release strap. That’s it!

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Simple Free Weights ($5-50 depending on weight)

To get started working out at home you really just need 2 sets of weights (one heavy set & one light set)

If you’re just starting I recommend 3 lbs and 8 lbs. With that combo you can combine your two sets of weights to have a range of 3lbs up to 16 lbs. 

stacking weights power blocks

Stacking Weights from 3 to 125 lbs ($179+ depending on max weight)

These are the top-of-the-line for at home free weights. They take up VERY little room and are incredibly versatile. So, if you already have some hands weights and are thinking about purchasing another, heavier set, think about buying these instead so you have more options. If you don't already have hand weights and want to keep your closet uncluttered, these are a great place to start. 


Quick Release Strap for Squats

All my clients know this is my FAVORITE piece of equipment. This is the MAIN tool I use to help train you to have proper knee alignment and I recommend using it in every one of my videos. Click here to see how I use it. These also double up as a stretching strap for deeper stretching.


2. Speed up your results

Once you've been moving your body on a regular basis for about one month, you can dramatically speed up your results by adding in some core challenge to the same exercises you already know how to do with your simple weights. 


Fitness Ball

Excellent for balance, abdominal work and improving spinal stability.

  • Any exercise you need a bench for (shoulder press, row, chest press...) you can use a ball instead and improve core strength in a way that a bench does not allow.

  • There are endless fun, off-the-floor core exercises that balls make possible.

  • Pick a size that will let you sit with your knees at 90 degrees (you can measure the length of your shin from knee to floor and match it as closely as possible to the ball's diamater)


Bosu Balance Trainer

You can move any exercise performed on the ground to a BOSU Balance Trainer to increase the challenge and improve results. Train core strength and stability, as well as balance and coordination to achieve faster & longer lasting results. If you already have weights, this would be the next thing I'd encourage you to buy

  • Any exercise you can do standing on the floor, stand on the Bosu instead to improve strength, coordination, and core control.

  • Do planks and pushups on the Bosu to improve core strength rapidly.

  • Stand on the Bosu at your standing desk to improve core strength and burn calories during work hours.


Trigger Point Foam Roller

This is one of my FAVORITE tools! It's great for trigger point muscle release for sore muscles but it's also an excellent tool to improve stability and core.

  • Try crunches or bicycles while lying with your back on the roller to challenge your balance.

  • Put your hands or feet on it for pushups to challenge core muscles.

  • Self massage

  • Trigger point therapy

  • Foam rolling muscle recovery


3. Add Some Variety

Once you've been moving your body on a regular basis for about one month, you can dramatically speed up your results by adding in some core challenge to the same exercises you already know how to do with your simple weights. 

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Resistance Bands

These are super travel friendly and allow you to do everything you would do with hand weights and then some. I use these with clients all the time both at home and at parks. With the various different bands and attachable handles you can vary your resistance dramatically from super light with just one band to super heavy by combining all three. They are fun to use, add great variety to your workout and pack easily in your suit case if for when you need a quick move for joy on a work trip on on vacation. 


Suspension Trainer

This is one of my all time favorite tools! Using just your body weight you can target and strengthen every muscle in your body from ANYWHERE (a park, your house, your porch, a hotel...). It comes with a door hanger so you can workout at home. It's also a great travel option for total body, do anywhere move for joy sessions. TRX is the main brand. Lifeline's Jungle Gym is similar. Check them out and pick the one that works best for you. 


Jump Rope

Jump ropes are a playful, fun and travel friendly way to dramatically improve endurance, cardio and stamina. Great as a warm up or as part of cardio or HIIT workouts, you can burn up to 200 calories with just 10 minutes. Talk about effective and time efficient. 

Weighted Jump Rope

Weighted jump rope training burns more calories than a regular jump rope or simple cardio exercise because the added resistance engages muscles from your delts to your calves for a true full body workouts that also builds lean muscle.


Click Below to view all my favorites in one place.