30-Minute Functional Upper Body Strength

This Move-For-Joy session is a 30-minute upper body strength workout. You'll need both a heavy and a light set of weights. This is the kind of workout that makes grocery bags and lifting kids feel like a breeze! This includes your warm-up and your cool down all in 30 minutes. 


Printable Workout

5-minute cardio warm-up

2 x through each set of 2 exercises, 10 reps per excercise

  • Bicep Curl & Tricep Extension
  • Reverse fly & Chest Press
  • Overhead press & Pull Downs
  • Lateral raise & Frontal raise

Burn Out Round

  • Pushups
  • Tricep dips
  • Back Bow rows
  • Arm Circles

Cool down & Stretch

    Equipment You Need

    • Heavy set of weights (8-30 lbs depending on your strength level)
    • Light set of weights (2-5 lbs)
    • Optional excercise mat

    Make it Playful With Music

    Make your Move-For-Joy session more fun with music. Links to a few of my favorite playlists are below. Use mine or create your own.


    Move For Joy Suggestions

    • Remember, you can switch out any cardio/HIIT interval for a dance party--your body can burn up to 300 calories/hour dancing--so if burpees aren't your thing, bust a move.

    • Make this Move-For-Joy session your own by speeding up or slowing down your pace to the beat of the music. Varying your speed of abs or lunges or whatever move makes it more fun and the variety keeps it interesting. 

    • Do your own favorite move. If something I'm doing in the video doesn't work for your body, do something else. As long as you are moving you are doing your body good!


    Just finished your workout? Share it on social media.

    Are you sore? Did you have fun? Leave us a comment! We love to build workouts you enjoy!